Citrus Bioflavonoids

Antioxidants | Circulation - Diuretics |

Bioflavonoids are low molecular weight potent antioxidant compounds present at high concentrations in different parts of several citrus fruits such as orange, grapefruit, lemon, bergamot.
They are responsible for a protective role on LDL against peroxidation, for several benefts in cardiovascular and metabolic areas (diabetes, hypertension, obesity, metabolic syndrome) in addition to possessing anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic, antiviral and anti-cancer activities. Bioflavonoids also possess a synergistic activity with Vitamin C.
Most well known bioflavonoids from citrus fruits are Naringenin and its glycoside Naringin, with a benefcial effect on cholesterol/atherogenesis, Apigenin (anti-inflammatory and inhibitor of platelets aggregation), Diosmin, Hesperetin and its glycoside Hesperidin exerting a benefcial effect specifcally on microcirculation and venous tone.


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